The Pacific Northwest BBQ Association is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization.  

The following funds are available to contribute funds to on a one time or scheduled basis:

  • PNWBA General/Operations Funds - Donations to this fund help go to offset organization expenses, storage fees, computer expenses, website operational expenses and more.
  • Feed The Troops - The PNWBA works in concert with other volunteers to provide a BBQ feed for our military bases in the PNWBA. One of our regular feeds is in July at Fairchild Airforce Base and we have also served troops at Joint Base Lewis McCord.
  • Lynne Brokaw Memorial Chili Cookoff - This is a new fund set up on May 25, 2021 to honor one of our hall of fame members who passed on May 24th, 2021. Money donated to this fund will help go towards creating a prize fund for a PNWBA event later to be determined by the PNWBA Board of Directors.

The credit card processor assesses a processing fee of approximately 3.5% of the amount donated and will then deposit the balance to PNWBA for categorizing into the appropriate fund.

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*First name
Middle Name
*Last name
Cell Phone
Additional Address info (Apartment, Suite)
Enter NONE if not in USA
*Postal Code

BBQ Judges Only

 PNWBA Certified Judge
Have you taken the PNWBA Certified Judging Class?
If a PNWBA CBJ, enter your PNWBA Judge Number
What is your PNWBA Judging Level
 PNWBA Certified Table Captain
Have you taken the PNWBA Table Captain Class?
PNWBA Current Points
Only numbers between 0 and 999 are accepted (0.00 precision only)
If a PNWBA Judge, what is your current points? Use to help track.
 KCBS Certified Judge
Have you taken the KCBS Certified Judge Class?
If a KCBS CBJ, what is your KCBS CBJ Number?
 KCBS Certified Table Captain
Have you taken the KCBS Table Captain Class?
 SCA Certified Judge
Have you taken the SCA Judge Class?
SCA Membership Number
If a SCA certified judge, what is your membership number?
*Amount ($USD)
 Payment frequency
Select which fund to direct your donation.
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